The government is facing many challenges in the upcoming years and funding is becoming tighter and tighter. Virtualization will be a key factor in dealing with shrinking budgets while improving workflows, automation and cost reduction. Status Pro was built by industry professionals with the latest technology and majors in efficiency so your civil process division can achieve your goals while doing more with less. No matter the size of your civil process division, the technology is here waiting to transform your department.
Status Pro’s efficient workflow has been developed by industry professionals and refined with emerging technology to create a virtually paperless office. Data entry, transcription errors and paper files are reduced and eliminated. Searching and tracking a file while out for service is done in seconds. Status Pro’s intelligent software automatically assigns the deputy to his work and keeps a permanent record of status in it’s database. Free up and reallocate valuable resources and let Status Pro do the work.
Whether big or small, Status Pro was designed to bring the best technology to all agencies. We know that terminology, rules, laws, and civil procedures are different. Each agency will receive a version of the software designed to meet their jurisdiction's rules. But Status Pro also allows you to further add your own customization whether it be personnel, reports, document templates, or data requirements. Add your personal touch to our software.
Say goodbye to phone calls for status and people making unnecessary trips into your office. Allow your customers access into a unique version of Status Pro that allows them to see what you see in real-time 24/7. They can also sign up for automatic email updates keeping them apprised as to the status of their file. Save the postage and let the customer see a copy of the affidavit or proof of service instantly, electronically. Now that’s customer service!
Double keying of data entry is a waste of time! Status Pro is aligned with GJXDM standards and utilizes RESTful web services to integrate with other systems. Let the information flow between systems giving you exactly what you need while providing another system with the information it needs.